Hyperloop Technology India

 The Hyper loop is a new way to move people or things anywhere in the world quickly, safely, efficiently, on-demand and with minimal impact to the environment.

The system accelerates a passenger or cargo vehicle at airline speeds through a steel tube in near-vacuum using a linear electric motor. 

Hyper loop One, the futuristic transportation company backed by the British tycoon, wants to build a network of high-speed pods that can carry people and cargo across India. It’s looking to price the ride at less than what airlines charge in a market where air travel is growing at the fastest pace in the world. But, fares will still be more

 Hyper loop Transportation Technologies may have found a new place to perform trial runs: India.Top executive at the American research company says they are eager to come to India and begin trials for their high-speed transportation technology in the country. The company, which works on the concept envisioned by billionaire Elon Musk, is currently seeking a nod from the Indian government.

Since Musk's draft, two companies based in the United States have taken the lead namely: Hyper loop One, and Hyper loop Transportation Technologies (HTT). Both, although different in implementation, use a volunteering model to encourage scientists and engineers around the world to participate in building out the technology required to implement Musk's original vision. And of course, some very smart people around the world have come together and contributed to the original proposal and move it forward. Elon Musk, at the time of writing this, has no official position in any of the Hyper loop companies, but this gets misreported all the time.
